Internal types
Internal supertypes
— Typeabstract type TimeStructurePeriod{T} <: TimeStructure{T}
Abstract type representing different time structures that consists of one or more time periods. It is used for TimeStructure
s that can also act as index for periods, e.g., AbstractStrategicPeriod
The type 'T' gives the data type used for the duration of the time periods.
— Typeabstract type TimeStructInnerIter{T<:Duration}
Abstract type representing different iterators for individual time structures. The difference to TimeStructure
is that iterating through a TimeStructInnerIter
will not provide a TimePeriod
, but a TimeStructure
and TimeStructOuterIter
are comparable. The former is implemented for the inner level, that is if you want to use, e.g., opscenarios(OperationalScenarios())
while the latter is used for the outer level, e.g., opscenarios(StrategicPeriod())
— Typeabstract type TimeStructOuterIter{T<:Duration}
Abstract type representing different iterators for individual time structures. The difference to TimeStructure
is that iterating through a TimeStructOuterIter
will not provide a TimePeriod
, but a TimeStructure
and TimeStructOuterIter
are comparable. The former is implemented for the inner level, that is if you want to use, e.g., opscenarios(OperationalScenarios())
while the latter is used for the outer level, e.g., opscenarios(StrategicPeriod())
Strategic period types (TwoLevelTree
Single types
— Typeabstract type AbstractTreeNode{S,T} <: AbstractStrategicPeriod{S,T}
Abstract base type for all tree nodes within a TwoLevelTree
— Typestruct StratNode{S, T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractTreeNode{S,T}
A structure representing a single strategic node of a TwoLevelTree
. It is created through iterating through StratTreeNodes
It is equivalent to a StrategicPeriod
of a TwoLevel
time structure when utilizing a TwoLevelTree
— Typestruct StrategicScenario
Desription of an individual strategic scenario. It includes all strategic nodes corresponding to a scenario, including the probability. It can be utilized within a decomposition algorithm.
Iterator types
— Typeabstract type AbstractTreeStructure{T} <: TimeStructOuterIter{T}
Abstract base type for all tree timestructures within a TwoLevelTree
— Typestruct StratTreeNodes{S,T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractStratPers{T}
Type for iterating through the individual strategic nodes of a TwoLevelTree
. It is automatically created through the function strat_periods
, and hence, strategic_periods
Iterating through StratTreeNodes
using the WithPrev
iterator changes the behaviour, although the meaning remains unchanged.
— Typestruct StrategicScenarios
Type for iteration through the individual strategic scenarios represented as StrategicScenario
Strategic period types (TwoLevel
Single types
— Typeabstract type AbstractStrategicPeriod{S,T} <: TimeStructurePeriod{T}
Abstract type used for time structures that represent a strategic period. These periods are obtained when iterating through the strategic periods of a time structure declared by the function strat_periods
— Typestruct SingleStrategicPeriodWrapper{T,SP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractStrategicPeriod{T,T}
A type representing a single strategic period supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through SingleStrategicPeriodWrapper
— Typestruct StrategicPeriod{S,T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractStrategicPeriod{S,T}
A type representing a single strategic period supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through StratPers
Iterator types
— Typeabstract type AbstractStratPers{S,T} <: TimeStructInnerIter
Abstract type used for time structures that represent a collection of strategic periods, obtained through calling the function strat_periods
— Typestruct SingleStrategicPeriodWrapper{T,SP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractStratPers{T}
Type for iterating through the individual strategic periods of a time structure without TwoLevel
. It is automatically created through the function strat_periods
— Typestruct StratPers{S,T,OP} <: AbstractStratPers{T}
Type for iterating through the individual strategic periods of a TwoLevel
time structure. It is automatically created through the function strat_periods
Representative period types
Single types
— Typeabstract type AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T} <: TimeStructurePeriod{T}
Abstract type used for time structures that represent a representative period. These periods are obtained when iterating through the representative periods of a time structure declared by the function repr_periods
— Typestruct SingleReprPeriod{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T}
A type representing a single representative period supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through SingleReprPeriodWrapper
— Typestruct RepresentativePeriod{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T}
A type representing a single representative period supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through ReprPers
— Typestruct StratReprPeriod{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T}
A type representing a single representative period supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through StratReprPers
— Typestruct StratNodeReprPeriod{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T}
A structure representing a single representative period of a StratNode
of a TwoLevelTree
. It is created through iterating through StratNodeReprPers
It is equivalent to a StratReprPeriod
of a TwoLevel
time structure when utilizing a TwoLevelTree
Iterator types
— Typestruct SingleReprPeriodWrapper{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: TimeStructInnerIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual representative periods of a time structure without RepresentativePeriods
. It is automatically created through the function repr_periods
— Typestruct ReprPers{S,T,OP} <: TimeStructInnerIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual representative periods of a RepresentativePeriods
time structure. It is automatically created through the function repr_periods
— Typestruct StratReprPers{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: TimeStructOuterIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual representative periods of a StrategicPeriod
time structure. It is automatically created through the function repr_periods
— Typestruct StratNodeReprPers{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: AbstractTreeStructure{T}
Type for iterating through the individual presentative periods of a StratNode
. It is automatically created through the function repr_periods
Operational scenarios types
Single types
— Typeabstract type AbstractOperationalScenario{T} <: TimeStructurePeriod{T}
Abstract type used for time structures that represent an operational scenario. These periods are obtained when iterating through the operational scenarios of a time structure declared by the function opscenarios
— Typestruct SingleScenario{T,SC<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T}
A type representing a single operational scenario supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through SingleScenarioWrapper
— Typestruct OperationalScenario{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractOperationalScenario{T}
A type representing a single operational scenario supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through OpScens
— Typestruct ReprOpScenario{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractOperationalScenario{T}
A type representing a single operational scenarios supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through RepOpScens
— Typestruct StratOpScenario{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractOperationalScenario{T}
A type representing a single operational scenario supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through StratOpScens
— Typestruct StratReprOpScenario{T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractRepresentativePeriod{T}
A type representing a single representative period supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created when iterating through StratReprPers
— Typestruct StratNodeOpScenario{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: AbstractOperationalScenario{T}
A structure representing a single operational scenario for a strategic node supporting iteration over its time periods. It is created through iterating through StratNodeOpScens
It is equivalent to a StratOpScenario
of a TwoLevel
time structure when utilizing a TwoLevelTree
— Typestruct StratNodeReprOpScenario{T} <: AbstractOperationalScenario{T}
A structure representing a single operational scenario for a representative period in A TwoLevelTree
structure supporting iteration over its time periods.
Iterator types
— Typestruct SingleScenarioWrapper{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: TimeStructInnerIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a time structure without OperationalScenarios
. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
— Typestruct OpScens{T,OP} <: TimeStructInnerIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a OperationalScenarios
time structure. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
— Typestruct RepOpScens{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: TimeStructOuterIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a RepresentativePeriod
time structure. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
— Typestruct StratOpScens{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: TimeStructOuterIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a StrategicPeriod
time structure. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
— Typestruct StratReprOpScens{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: TimeStructOuterIter{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a StrategicPeriod
time structure with RepresentativePeriods
. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
— Typestruct StratNodeOpScens{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: AbstractTreeStructure{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a StratNode
. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
— Typestruct StratNodeReprOpScens{T,OP<:TimeStructInnerIter{T}} <: AbstractTreeStructure{T}
Type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a StratNodeReprPeriod
. It is automatically created through the function opscenarios
Operational period types
— Typeabstract type TimePeriod
Abstract type used for a uniform interface for iterating through time structures and indexing of time profiles.
— Typestruct SimplePeriod{T<:Number} <: TimePeriod
Time period for a single operational period. It is created through iterating through a SimpleTimes
time structure.
— Typestruct CalendarPeriod{T} <: TimePeriod
Time period for a single operational period. It is created through iterating through a CalendarTimes
time structure with duration measured in hours (by default).
— Typestruct ScenarioPeriod{P} <: TimePeriod where {P<:TimePeriod}
Time period for a single operational period. It is created through iterating through a OperationalScenarios
time structure. It is as well created as period within OperationalPeriod
when the time structure includes OperationalScenarios
— Typestruct ReprPeriod{P} <: TimePeriod where {P<:TimePeriod}
Time period for a single operational period. It is created through iterating through a RepresentativePeriods
time structure. It is as well created as period within OperationalPeriod
when the time structure includes RepresentativePeriods
— Typestruct OperationalPeriod{P} <: TimePeriod where {P<:TimePeriod}
Time period for a single operational period. It is created through iterating through a TwoLevel
time structure.
— Typestruct TreePeriod{P} <: TimePeriod where {P<:TimePeriod}
Time period for iteration of a TwoLevelTree
time structure. This period has in addition to an operational period also the two fields branch
and prob_branch
corresponding to the respective branch and probability of the branch
The probability will always only correspond to the branch probability, even when you utilize OperationalScenarios
. Using the function probability
includes however the scenario probability.