Available time structures
— Typeabstract type TimeStructure{T<:Duration}
Abstract type representing different time structures that consists of one or more time periods.
The type 'T' gives the data type used for the duration of the time periods.
— Typestruct SimpleTimes{T} <: TimeStructure{T}
SimpleTimes(len::Integer, duration::Vector{T}) where {T<:Duration}
SimpleTimes(len::Integer, duration::Duration)
SimpleTimes(dur::Vector{T}) where {T<:Duration}
A simple time structure consisting of consecutive time periods of varying duration. SimpleTimes
is always the lowest level in a TimeStruct
time structure. if used.
An alternative for SimpleTimes
is CalendarTimes
uniform = SimpleTimes(5, 1.0) # 5 periods of equal length
varying = SimpleTimes([2, 2, 2, 4, 10]) # 5 periods of varying length
— Typestruct CalendarTimes{T} <: TimeStructure{T}
CalendarTimes(start_date, length, period)
CalendarTimes(start_date, end_date, period)
CalendarTimes(start_date, timezone, length, period)
CalendarTimes(start_date, end_date, timezone, period)
A time structure that iterates flexible calendar periods using calendar arithmetic. This time structure can be used at the lowest level of time structures similar to SimpleTimes
ts = CalendarTimes(Dates.DateTime(2023, 1, 1), 12, Dates.Month(1))
ts_zoned = CalendarTimes(Dates.DateTime(2023, 1, 1), tz"Europe/Berlin", 52, Dates.Week(1))
— Typestruct RepresentativePeriods{S<:Duration,T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: TimeStructure{T}
RepresentativePeriods(len::Integer, duration::S, period_share::Vector{<:Real}, rep_periods::Vector{OP}) where {S<:Duration, T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}}
RepresentativePeriods(len::Integer, duration::S, rep_periods::TimeStructure{T}) where {S<:Duration, T}
RepresentativePeriods(duration::S, period_share::Vector{<:Real}, rep_periods::Vector{<:TimeStructure{T}}) where {S<:Duration, T}
RepresentativePeriods(duration::S, period_share::Vector{<:Real}, rep_periods::TimeStructure{T}) where {S<:Duration, T}
RepresentativePeriods(duration::S, rep_periods::Vector{<:TimeStructure{T}}) where {S<:Duration, T}
Time structure that allows a time period to be represented by one or more shorter representative time periods.
The representative periods are an ordered sequence of TimeStructures that are used for each representative period. In addition, each representative period has an associated share that specifies how much of the total duration that is attributed to it.
- All representative periods must use the same type for the
. - If the field
is not specified, it assigns the same probability to each representative period. - It is possible that
is larger or smaller than 1. This can lead to problems in your application. Hence, it is advised to scale it. Currently, a warning will be given if the period shares do not sum to one as an automatic scaling will correspond to a breaking change. - If you include
in your time structure, it is important that the scenarios are within the representative periods, and not the other way.
# A year represented by two days with hourly resolution and relative shares of 0.7 and 0.3
RepresentativePeriods(8760, [0.7, 0.3], [SimpleTimes(24, 1), SimpleTimes(24,1)])
RepresentativePeriods(8760, [0.7, 0.3], SimpleTimes(24, 1))
# A year represented by two days with hourly resolution and relative shares of 0.5
RepresentativePeriods(2, 8760, SimpleTimes(24, 1))
RepresentativePeriods(8760, [SimpleTimes(24, 1), SimpleTimes(24,1)])
— Typestruct OperationalScenarios{T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: TimeStructure{T}
OperationalScenarios(len::Integer, scenarios::Vector{OP}, probability::Vector{<:Real}) where {T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}
OperationalScenarios(len::Integer, oper::TimeStructure{T})
OperationalScenarios(oper::Vector{<:TimeStructure{T}}, prob::Vector)
Time structure that have multiple scenarios where each scenario has its own time structure and an associated probability. These scenarios are in general represented as SimpleTimes
- All scenarios must use the same type for the duration, .i.e., either Integer or Float.
- If the
is not specified, it assigns the same probability to each scenario. - It is possible that
is larger or smaller than 1. This can lead to problems in your application. Hence, it is advised to scale it. Currently, a warning will be given if the period shares do not sum to one as an automatic scaling will correspond to a breaking change.
The following examples create a time structure with 2 operational scenarios corresponding to a single day with equal probability.
day = SimpleTimes(24, 1)
OperationalScenarios(2, day)
OperationalScenarios([day, day], [0.5, 0.5])
OperationalScenarios([day, day])
— Typestruct TwoLevel{S<:Duration,T,OP<:TimeStructure{T}} <: TimeStructure{T}
TwoLevel(len::Integer, duration::Vector{S}, operational::Vector{OP}, op_per_strat::Float64) where {S<:Duration, T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}}
TwoLevel(len::Integer, duration::S, oper::TimeStructure{T}; op_per_strat) where {S, T}
TwoLevel(len::Integer, oper::TimeStructure{T}; op_per_strat) where {T}
TwoLevel(duration::S, oper::Vector{OP}; op_per_strat) where {S, T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}}
TwoLevel(duration::Vector{S}, oper::TimeStructure{T}; op_per_strat) where {S, T}
TwoLevel(oper::Vector{<:TimeStructure{T}}; op_per_strat) where [T]
A time structure with two levels of time periods.
On the top level it has a sequence of strategic periods of varying duration. For each strategic period a separate time structure is used for operational decisions. Iterating the structure will go through all operational periods. It is possible to use different time units for the two levels by providing the number of operational time units per strategic time unit through the kewyord argument op_per_strat
Potential time structures are SimpleTimes
, CalendarTimes
, OperationalScenarios
, or RepresentativePeriods
, as well as combinations of these.
The optional keyword op_per_strat
is important for the overall calculations. If you use an hourly resolution for your operational period and yearly for investment periods, then you have to specify it as op_per_strat = 8760.0
. Not specifying it would imply that you use the same unit for strategic and operational periods.
If you do not specify the field duration
, then it is calculated given the function
_total_duration(op) / op_per_strat for op in oper
in which oper::Vector{<:TimeStructure{T}
. The internal function _total_duration
corresponds in this case to the sum of the duration of all operational periods divided by the value of the field op_per_strat
# 5 years with 24 hours of operations for each year. Note that in this case we use as unit
# `hour` for both the duration of strategic periods and operational periods
TwoLevel(5, 8760, SimpleTimes(24, 1))
# The same time structure with the unit `year` for strategic periods and unit `hour` for
# operational periods
TwoLevel(5, 1, SimpleTimes(24, 1); op_per_strat=8760.0)
# All individual constructors
TwoLevel(2, ones(2), [SimpleTimes(24, 1), SimpleTimes(24, 1)], op_per_strat=8760.0)
TwoLevel(2, 1, SimpleTimes(24, 1); op_per_strat=8760.0)
TwoLevel(1, [SimpleTimes(24, 1), SimpleTimes(24, 1)]; op_per_strat=8760.0)
TwoLevel(ones(2), SimpleTimes(24, 1); op_per_strat=8760.0)
# Constructors without duration
TwoLevel([SimpleTimes(24, 1), SimpleTimes(24, 1)]; op_per_strat=8760.0)
TwoLevel(2, SimpleTimes(24, 1); op_per_strat=8760.0)
— Typemutable struct TwoLevelTree{S,T,OP<:AbstractTreeNode{S,T}} <: TimeStructure{T}
Time structure allowing for a tree structure for the strategic level.
For each strategic node in the tree a separate time structure is used for operational decisions. Iterating the structure will go through all operational periods.
— Functionregular_tree(
) where {S, T, OP<:TimeStructure{T}}
Function for creating a regular tree with a uniform structure for each strategic period. Each strategic period is of equal length as given by duration
and will have the same operational time structure ts
. The vector branching
specifies the number of branchings at each stage of the tree, excluding the first stage. The branches at each stage will all have equal probability.
Properties of time structures
— Functionmult_scen(scen)
Returns the multiplication factor to be used for this scenario when comparing with the overall set of operational scenarios.
If all scenarios in a set of operational scenarios are of equal duration (preferred usage), this factor is equal to one. Otherwise this factor would be equal to the ratio of the scenario with longest duration to the duration of the given scenario.
— Functionmult_repr(rp)
Returns the multiplication factor to be used for this representative period when comparing with the representative periods structure it is part of.
— Functionmult_strat(sp)
Returns the multiplication factor to be used for this strategic period when comparing the duration of the strategic period to the duration of the time structure being used for the strategic period.
— Functionprobability_scen(scen)
The probability of a single scenario in a set of operational scenarios.
Iterating time structures
— Functionrepr_periods(ts::TimeStructure)
This function returns a type for iterating through the individual representative periods of a TimeStructure
. The type of the iterator is dependent on the type of the input TimeStructure
When the TimeStructure
is a TimeStructure
, repr_periods
returns a SingleReprPeriodWrapper
. This corresponds to the default behavior.
When the TimeStructure
is a RepresentativePeriods
, repr_periods
returns the iterator ReprPers
When the TimeStructure
is a StrategicPeriod
, repr_periods
returns the iterator StratReprPers
When the TimeStructure
is a SingleStrategicPeriod
, repr_periods
returns the correct behavior based on the substructure.
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevel
, repr_periods
returns an Array
of all StratReprPeriod
When the TimeStructure
is a StratNode
, repr_periods
returns the iterator StratNodeReprPers
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevelTree
, repr_periods
returns an Array
of all StratNodeReprPeriod
These are equivalent to a StratReprPeriod
of a TwoLevel
time structure.
— Functionopscenarios(ts::TimeStructure)
This function returns a type for iterating through the individual operational scenarios of a TimeStructure
. The type of the iterator is dependent on the type of the input TimeStructure
When the TimeStructure
is a TimeStructure
, opscenarios
returns a SingleScenarioWrapper
. This corresponds to the default behavior.
When the TimeStructure
is an OperationalScenarios
, opscenarios
returns the iterator OpScens
When the TimeStructure
is a RepresentativePeriod
with OperationalScenarios
, opscenarios
returns the iterator RepOpScens
When the TimeStructure
is a SingleReprPeriod
, opscenarios
returns the correct behavior based on the substructure.
When the TimeStructure
is a RepresentativePeriods
, opscenarios
returns an Array
of all ReprOpScenario
When the TimeStructure
is a StrategicPeriod
, opscenarios
returns the iterator StratOpScens
When the TimeStructure
is a StrategicPeriod
with RepresentativePeriods
, opscenarios
returns a vector of StratReprOpScenario
When the TimeStructure
is a SingleStrategicPeriod
, opscenarios
returns the correct behavior based on the substructure.
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevel
, opscenarios
returns a vector of StratOpScenario
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevel
with RepresentativePeriods
, opscenarios
returns a vector of StratReprOpScenario
When the TimeStructure
is a StratNode
, opscenarios
returns the iterator StratNodeOpScens
When the TimeStructure
is a StratNodeReprPeriod
with a RepresentativePeriod
, opscenarios
returns the iterator StratNodeReprOpScens
When the TimeStructure
is a StratNodeReprPeriod
with a SingleReprPeriod
, opscenarios
returns the iterator StratNodeOpScens
as the overall time structure does not include representative periods.
When the TimeStructure
is a StratNode
with RepresentativePeriods
, opscenarios
returns an Array
of all StratNodeReprOpScenario
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevelTree
, opscenarios
returns an Array
of all StratNodeOpScenario
s or StratNodeReprOpScenario
s types, dependening on whether the TwoLevelTree
includes RepresentativePeriods
or not.
These are equivalent to a StratOpScenario
and StratReprOpScenario
of a TwoLevel
time structure.
— Functionstrat_periods(ts::TimeStructure)
This function returns a type for iterating through the individual strategic periods of a TimeStructure
. The type of the iterator is dependent on the type of the input TimeStructure
. The elements returned of the iterator will be subtypes of AbstractStrategicPeriod
When the TimeStructure
is a TimeStructure
, strat_periods
returns a SingleStrategicPeriodWrapper
. This corresponds to the default behavior.
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevel
, strat_periods
returns the iterator StratPers
periods = TwoLevel(5, SimpleTimes(10,1))
total_dur = sum(duration_strat(sp) for sp in strategic_periods(periods))
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevelTree
, strat_periods
returns a StratTreeNodes
type, which, through iteration, provides StratNode
These are equivalent to a StrategicPeriod
of a TwoLevel
time structure.
— Functionstrategic_periods(ts)
Convenience constructor for strat_periods
. Both names can be used interchangable.
— Functionstrategic_scenarios(ts::TwoLevelTree)
This function returns a type for iterating through the individual strategic scenarios of a TwoLevelTree
. The type of the iterator is dependent on the type of the input TimeStructure
When the TimeStructure
is a TimeStructure
, strategic_scenarios
returns a
When the TimeStructure
is a TwoLevelTree
, strategic_scenarios
returns the iterator StrategicScenarios
— Functionwithprev(iter)
Iterator wrapper that yields (prev, t)
where prev
is the previous time period or nothing
for the first time period.
— Functionchunk(iter, n; cyclic = false)
Iterator wrapper that yields chunks where each chunk is an iterator over at most n
consecutive time periods starting at each time period of the original iterator.
It is possible to get the n
consecutive time periods in a cyclic fashion, by setting cyclic
to true.
— Functionchunk_duration(iter, dur)
Iterator wrapper that yields chunks based on duration where each chunk is an iterator over the following time periods until at least dur
time is covered or the end is reached.
Properties of time periods
— Functionduration(t::TimePeriod)
The duration of a time period in number of operational time units.
— Functionisfirst(t::TimePeriod)
Returns true if the time period is the first in a sequence and has no previous time period
— Functionmultiple(t::TimePeriod)
Returns the number of times a time period should be counted for the whole time structure.
— Functionmultiple_strat(sp::AbstractStrategicPeriod, t)
Returns the number of times a time period t
should be accounted for when accumulating over one single unit of strategic time.
periods = TwoLevel(10, 1, SimpleTimes(24,1); op_per_strat = 8760)
for sp in strategic_periods(periods)
hours_per_year = sum(duration(t) * multiple_strat(sp, t) for t in sp)
— Functionprobability(t::TimePeriod)
Returns the probability associated with the time period.
Time profiles
— TypeFixedProfile(val)
Time profile with a constant value for all time periods.
profile = FixedProfile(5)
— TypeOperationalProfile(vals::Vector{T}) where {T}
Time profile with a value that varies with the operational time period. This profile cannot be accessed using AbstractOperationalScenario
, AbstractRepresentativePeriod
, or AbstractStrategicPeriod
If too few values are provided, the last provided value will be repeated.
profile = OperationalProfile([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
— TypeRepresentativeProfile(vals::Vector{P}) where {T, P<:TimeProfile{T}}
Time profile with a separate time profile for each representative period. This profile cannot be accessed using AbstractStrategicPeriod
If too few profiles are provided, the last given profile will be repeated.
# Varying values in each representative period
profile = RepresentativeProfile([OperationalProfile([1, 2]), OperationalProfile([3, 4, 5])])
# The same value in each representative period
profile = RepresentativeProfile([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
— TypeScenarioProfile(vals::Vector{P}) where {T, P<:TimeProfile{T}}
Time profile with a separate time profile for each scenario. This profile cannot be accessed using AbstractRepresentativePeriod
or AbstractStrategicPeriod
If too few profiles are provided, the last given profile will be repeated.
# Varying values in each operational scenario
profile = ScenarioProfile([OperationalProfile([1, 2]), OperationalProfile([3, 4, 5])])
# The same value in each operational scenario
profile = ScenarioProfile([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
— TypeStrategicProfile(vals::Vector{P}) where {T, P<:TimeProfile{T}}
Time profile with a separate time profile for each strategic period.
If too few profiles are provided, the last given profile will be repeated.
# Varying values in each strategic period
profile = StrategicProfile([OperationalProfile([1, 2]), OperationalProfile([3, 4, 5])])
# The same value in each strategic period
profile = StrategicProfile([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
— TypeStrategicStochasticProfile(vals::Vector{<:Vector{P}}) where {T, P<:TimeProfile{T}}
Time profile with a separate time profile for each strategic node in a TwoLevelTree
If too few profiles are provided, the last given profile will be repeated, both for strategic periods and branches within a strategic period.
# The same value in each strategic period and branch
profile = StrategicStochasticProfile([[1], [21, 22]])
# Varying values in each strategic period and branch
profile = StrategicStochasticProfile([
[OperationalProfile([11, 12])],
[OperationalProfile([21, 22]), OperationalProfile([31, 32])]
— Functiondiscount(t, time_struct, discount_rate; type, timeunit_to_year)
Calculates the discount factor to be used for a time period t
using a fixed 'discount_rate. There are two types of discounting available, either discounting to the start of the time period or calculating an approximate value for the average discount factor over the whole time period (
— Functionobjective_weight(t, time_struct, discount_rate; type, timeunit_to_year)
Returns an overall weight to be used for a time period t
in the objective function considering both discounting, probability and possible multiplicity.
— TypeDiscounter(discount_rate, timeunit_to_year, ts)
Structure to hold discount information to be used for a time structure.