Operational time structures
The basic time structure is SimpleTimes
which represents a continuous period of time divided into individual time periods of varying duration. The length of each time period is obtained by the duration(t)
julia> periods = SimpleTimes(5, [1, 1, 1, 5, 5]);
julia> durations = [duration(t) for t in periods]
5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 1 1 5 5
Calendar based
For some applications it is required to relate the time periods to actual calendar dates. This is supported by the time structure CalendarTimes
that allows for creation and iteration of a calendar based sequence of periods in combination with calendar arithmetic.
The following example shows the creation of a time structure with 12 months starting from the first of January 2024. The duration of each time period is given in hours by default, but it is possible to specify the time units to use by providing the period type to use:
julia> using Dates
julia> year = CalendarTimes(DateTime(2024, 1, 1), 12, Month(1));
julia> duration(first(year); dfunc = Dates.Day)
You can also make the time structure for a specific time zone as shown in the following example with 3 days in the end of March with a transition to summer time on the second day:
julia> using TimeZones
julia> periods = CalendarTimes(DateTime(2023, 3, 25), tz"Europe/Berlin", 3, Day(1));
julia> duration.(periods)
3-element Vector{Int64}: 24 23 24
Operational scenarios
Operations often face uncertain operating conditions. In energy systems modeling, a typical example is the availability of wind and solar power. One method for accounting for this uncertainty is to have multiple operational scenarios that are used to evaluate the cost and feasibility of operations, where each scenario has a given probability of occurring.
The time structure OperationalScenarios
represents an unordered collection of operational scenarios where each scenario has a separate time structure and an associated probability.
julia> using TimeStruct, JuMP
julia> scenarios = OperationalScenarios( 3, [SimpleTimes(5,1), SimpleTimes(7,2), SimpleTimes(10,1)], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5] );
Similar to representative periods, each period has a multiple
that is defined relative to the maximum duration for all scenarios. In addition, each time period has a probability
equal to the probability of its scenario. Thus we have that:
julia> sum(duration(t) * probability(t) * multiple(t) for t in scenarios)
Representative periods
In some cases, a fine-scale representation for the operations of the infrastructure of the whole time horizon, is not feasible. A possible strategy is then to select one or more representative periods and use them to evaluate operational cost and feasibility. The time structure RepresentativePeriods
consists of an ordered sequence of representative periods that represents a longer period of time. Each representative period covers a specified share of the whole time period.
The following example shows an example with a year with daily resolution represented by two weeks with a share of 0.7 and 0.3 respectively.
julia> using JuMP, TimeStruct
julia> periods = RepresentativePeriods( 2, 365, [0.7, 0.3], [SimpleTimes(7,1), SimpleTimes(7,1)] );
The time periods can be iterated both for the whole time structure and individually by each representative period using the repr_periods
function. This is illustrated here when setting up a JuMP model with a separate constraint for each representative period:
julia> m = Model();
julia> @variable(m, prod[periods] >= 0);
julia> for rp in repr_periods(periods) @constraint(m, sum(prod[t] for t in rp) <= 10) end
julia> @constraint(m, sum(prod[t] * multiple(t) for t in periods) <= 1);
For each time period the multiple
function returns how many times the given period should be counted when aggregating to the whole RepresentativePeriods
structure. This will take into account both the duration and share of each representative period, thus we have that:
julia> sum(duration(t) * multiple(t) for t in periods)