Approximate points

For piecewise-affine approximations obtained from a dataset, the function FunctionEvaluations(𝒳, 𝒵) can be used to create a structure that contains a tuple with the points in the domain 𝒳 and their corresponding function values 𝒵. The function approx will receive this struct as input to calculate the approximations that best fit the dataset.

Unidimensional funcions (1D)

The following code creates a 2D full-order piecewise affine approximation for a tuple (x,z) where x is a collection of points with their corresponding function values stores in z. The selected approximation is convex, uses 5 planes (linear segments), and applies l₁-norm regulazation as the error measure.

using PiecewiseAffineApprox, JuMP, HiGHS
optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, MOI.Silent()=>true)

x = collect(range(-1, 1; length = 10))
z = x .^ 2

pwa = approx(
    FunctionEvaluations(Tuple.(x), z),
    MILP(;optimizer, metric = :l1, planes = 5),


# output

Bi-variate functions (3D)

A dataset can also be used as input for 3D piecewise affine approximations. The following code creates a uniformly sampled domain X within (-1,1) and calculates the corresponding function values for a concave function z_concave.

using PiecewiseAffineApprox, JuMP, HiGHS
optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, MOI.Silent()=>true)

xg = [i for i ∈ -1:0.5:1]
yg = [j for j ∈ -1:0.5:1]

X = [repeat(xg, inner = [size(yg, 1)]) repeat(yg, outer = [size(xg, 1)])]

z = X[:, 1] .^ 2 + X[:, 2] .^ 2
z_concave = z .* -1

np = 17

pwa = approx(
    FunctionEvaluations(tuple.(eachcol(X)...), z),
        planes = np,
        strict = :outer,
        metric = :l1,

# output