Add approximation to model
A piecewise-affine approximation ̃𝓏 ≈ 𝒻(𝔁) can be added to a JuMP model for optimization purposes. In that case, the optimization variables 𝔁 will denote the coordinates in the domain whereas the approximate value of function 𝒻 will be represented by ̃𝓏.
The code below creates a piecewise affine approximate to 𝓍² on the interval [-1,1] using the JuMP variable 𝓍. The piecewise affine approximation is linked the other variable in the model 𝓏. The objective is set as the minimization of this variable suject to 𝓍 being greater or equal than 0.5. After the optimization of the constrained problem, the optimal value of 𝓏 is 0.2653.
using JuMP, PiecewiseAffineApprox, HiGHS
optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, MOI.Silent()=>true)
m = Model(optimizer)
@variable(m, x)
# Create a piecewise linear approximation to x^2 on the interval [-1, 1]
pwa = approx(x -> x[1]^2, [(-1, 1)], Convex(), MILP(optimizer = optimizer, planes=5))
# Add the pwa function to the model
z = pwaffine(m, x, pwa)
# Minimize
@objective(m, Min, z)
# Check approximation/solution at x = 0.5
@constraint(m, x >= 0.5)
round(value(z); digits=4)
A piecewise affine approximation can be also be linked to existing variables in an existing JuMP model. In the following code, a 3D piecewise affine approximation is obtained for existing variables of a model (xvar and yvar). The approximation is constructed for a given dataset (X,z) and then linked to a JuMP model, which is optimized in the sequence.
using JuMP, PiecewiseAffineApprox, HiGHS
optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, MOI.Silent()=>true)
xg = [i for i ∈ -1:0.5:1]
yg = [j for j ∈ -1:0.5:1]
X = [repeat(xg, inner = [size(yg, 1)]) repeat(yg, outer = [size(xg, 1)])]
z = X[:, 1] .^ 2 + X[:, 2] .^ 2
np = 17
m = Model()
@variable(m, xvar)
@variable(m, yvar)
@variable(m, approx_f)
tuple_var = (xvar, yvar)
y = pwaffine(
FunctionEvaluations(tuple.(eachcol(X)...), z),
optimizer = optimizer,
planes = np,
strict = :outer,
metric = :l1,
z = approx_f,
@objective(m, Min, y)
set_optimizer(m, optimizer)
@constraint(m, xvar == √0.5)
@constraint(m, yvar == √0.5)